Parsons on Piketty: Some Business Challenges in a Post-Piketty World

The French economist Thomas Piketty achieved world recognition last year with his book: Capital in the 21st Century, which offers a new and controversial approach to global inequality, its causes, and its cures. The study has elicited widespread and diverse reaction. At the NMMU Business School’s first Strategic Conversation of the year, Professor Raymond Parsons will unpack various aspects of Piketty's thesis and examine its implications for South Africa and the business community.

Professor Parsons is a member of the NMMU Council. He was the Overall Business Convenor Africa. He is a professor in the NWU Potchefstroom Business School and lectured also at University of Pretoria, University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Port Elizabeth during his distinguished career. He is a key contributor to public community.

Professor Parsons was the Overall Business Convenor at the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) until 2010, which is the major social dialogue institution in South Africa.  He is a key contributor to public and academic debate on a broad spectrum of issues of critical importance to the political economy of South Africa, and is further a recognized authority on the South African economy and its implications for the business community.

Date: 19 February 2015

Time: 07:30 for 08:00

Duration: Approximately one hour

Venue: NMMU Business School, Auditorium, Ground Floor,

2nd Avenue Campus, Port Elizabeth.

RSVP: 17 February 2015


For further information contact Ms Yondela Madlingozi: