Our degree meets the following requirements for formal government accreditation:
South African government criteria
The NMMU DBA programme was accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in 2006. The Government Gazette of October 2007 outlines the criteria for a doctoral qualification as follows (emphasis added):
“A Doctoral Degree requires a candidate to undertake research at the most advanced academic levels culminating in the submission, assessment and acceptance of a thesis. Course work may be required as preparation or value addition to the research, but does not contribute to the credit value of the qualification. The defining characteristic of this qualification is that the candidate is required to demonstrate high-level research capability and make a significant and original academic contribution at the frontiers of a discipline or field. The work must be of a quality to satisfy peer review and merit publication. The degree may be earned through pure discipline-based or multidisciplinary research or applied research. This degree requires a minimum of two years' full-time study, usually after completing a Master's Degree. A graduate must be able to supervise and evaluate the research of others in the area of specialisation concerned.” (Government Gazette, 5 October 2007, No.30353: 29).
The Draft HEQF Framework of July 2004 prescribes the following applied competence and autonomy of learning criteria for awarding a doctoral degree:
Applied competence criteria:
Autonomy of learning criteria:
Candidates may express interest in doctoral research by email, telephone or website information request on the NMMU Business School website. All expressions of interest are directed to the School’s Research Co-ordinator (RC, Dr Annelie Pretorius, tel: 041-504-3795; e-mail).
The RC begins a process of engagement with the prospective candidate, which can be thought of as a two-phase process. In Phase 1, the RC makes an initial assessment of the potential candidate. In Phase 2, the potential candidate demonstrates the ability to identify an original and substantive contribution to the literature and work with appropriate levels of independence and rigour.
Please see the DBA E-brochure for the following
Please see NMMU Policy, Procedures and Rules for Postgraduate Research Degrees for the policies, procedures and rules that govern postgraduate research degrees at the NMMU. Candidates should pay particular attention to aspects such as the Learning Agreement document; examination processes and criteria; procedures for ethical clearance of studies; rules on plagiarism and copyright on research outputs; progress reports; and rules with regard to the submission of theses.
DBA Proposal Guidelines provide the requirements for writing the draft summary and final DBA proposals.
NMMU Business School
+27(0)861 504 500
Port Elizabeth
East London
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