Dear MBA Alumni
The NMMU Business School is going from strength to strength and is positioned as one of the best business schools in South Africa. We have our MBA alumni and current students to thank for much of the prestige and status we enjoy. The NMMU Business School has been invited to participate in the Financial Mail and Markinor 2012 MBA survey.
Survey Focus
The survey will focus on all South African business schools, comparing schools on different aspects such as:
Significance of the Survey
The Financial Mail and Markinor survey provides readers, potential MBA students and employers with a comparison of the various MBA options available in South Africa and is regarded as a very important indicator for choosing a quality MBA.
Survey Sample
The survey sample will include 2008 – 2011 MBA Alumni as well as their employers. In order to ensure a large enough sample for our school to be reliably represented, we need a respondent list of approximately 200 in order to obtain a statistically valid sample. NMMU Business School will only be properly featured in the results if the list of respondents that we provide leads to a sufficiently large representative sample for our school.
What you need to do
The NMMU Business School’s Public Relations Office (Jess and Mercy) would have contacted most 2008 – 2011 MBA alumni. If you have not been contacted and your contact details have changed, please urgently email Jolene Theron or phone 041 504 3748 to update your details. We need to submit a sufficiently large representative sample for our school no later than Monday, 5 March.
Markinor (the company that will be collecting the information) will contact students and request their participation in the survey, and ensure integrity of the responses. All contact details will be kept confidential, and individual responses will remain anonymous and aggregated where appropriate.
NMMU MBA – Reputation and Ranking
The reputation and ranking of our business school highly depends on the participation of our students. If we do not participate, we cannot compete against other business schools and we are featured as an unknown and insignificant business school. We all know that often the quality and strength of your MBA qualification is measured against the reputation of the business school. For this reason we urge you to please participate in this survey and provide us with the needed details.
NMMU Business School
+27(0)861 504 500
Port Elizabeth
East London
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