NMMU Hosts the World Bank: A Report Back

Port Elizabeth, 26 March 2014 – NMMU Business School and the NMMU Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences hosted the World Bank for a public presentation on South African Export Competitiveness on the 26th of March 2014. 

This public engagement acted as a forum to stimulate knowledge exchange and dialogue between export-orientated private sector firms of Nelson Mandela Bay and the World Bank.

The World Bank was represented by Catriona Purfield, their lead economist for the Southern African region. 

Kevin Hustler, Catriona Purfield, Steve Burgess, Hendrik Llyod, and Paul Poisat

              Business Chamber CEO Kevin Hussler, Catriona Purfield, Prof Steve Burgess, Prof Hendrik Lloyd, Prof Paul Poisat

Purfield gave an in depth discussion on the World Bank economic update that focused on export competitiveness in the country.  

The update examined some 20,000 South African export companies in the non-mineral sector over a 12 year period from 2001 and discussed opportunities to grow export potential in South Africa.

“Export growth could substantially boost the GDP assisting in the elimination of poverty, Purfield said.  “And a substantial growth in exports could lead to the creation of some 11-million jobs by 2030.”

The report showed that the majority of South African exports were concentrated in few mega firms who ship products to countries around the world, with approximately 1000 companies generating 93% of all of the country’s exports. 

The remaining 20 000 of South Africa exporters export in small amounts. 

Purfield concluded by saying the greater competiveness in the export market, lower trade and input costs, and greater regional industrial integration could assist in igniting South African exports.

Purfield was asked to field questions from a panel following her presentation. 

The panel included Chief Executive Officer at Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber, Kevin Hustler, Professor of Economics at NMMU, Hendrik Lloyd, and the NMMU Business School director, Professor Steve Burgess.

The event was also attended by delegates representing various sectors within the South African export community. They had an opportunity to question Purfield following the panel discussion. 

This event is hoped to be the first of many to be hosted by NMMU Business School and the World Bank.

See more information on the World Bank's study by clicking here

An infographic of the study can be found here